Thursday, December 27, 2012

Let it Snow- Let it Snow- Let it Snow!

Well, I didn't end up with a white Christmas.. and to be honest, I was perfectly okay with it.  You might ask why?  Wait-- no you won't.  You're a teacher; you understand!  I don't want snow when I am already out of school.. I want it in January, when I'm not ready to be back after break! haha
But, since the end of my break seems to be approaching very quickly.. *tear!  I have created some fun math and literacy centers inspired by snow!  Here is a quick little preview.  This pack is full of fun math & literacy centers perfect for winter weather and a great addition to any snowman/winter unit!
You can click the picture to check it out!
And.. on a random other note.. I did get an awesome camera for Christmas!!!!  You can tell I'm already in love with it!  I took like 137 pictures on Christmas day.. my husband laughed at me.. but I told him I'm just practing for when Sara Jo gets here!
And-- yes.. my belly is getting so big!  34 weeks tomorrow.. ahhh!  I can't believe it's going this fast.  SO MUCH TO DO!  But, at the same time.. I'm kinda over being pregnant and ready for my baby girl to get here. :)
I hope everyone is having a super awesome break and enjoying lots of family time.  I plan on doing the same for the rest of mine!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Welcome Winter Sale!

I'm linking up with Second Grade Math Maniac for a winter sale!  Everything in my TpT store will be 20% from now through Sunday!!  Just click the picture to shop!!  I recently just finished my Snowman Math & Literacy Centers.  Be sure to check it out!!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful winter break!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Break is almost here!!!!

It seems I have been a slacker this month and kept forgetting to take pictures.  You know how it is.. IEP meetings, 9 weeks testing, etc..  I planned all this cute stuff, but unfortunately this time of year is so busy.. blogging has fallen a bit by the wayside. 
But-- fear not!!  I did not take a few pictures.  Here are just a few snapshots of some Holiday fun we have had in my class!

You can click on each picture to check out the three packs I mentioned above!
I'm so ready for Christmas Break!!  I have been trying real hard to wrap up my maternity plans.  Although I am not due until Feb 8th.. I know I am going to be so overwhelmed come January-- so I'm planning ahead!  My brain is on over drive though.. I'm not only doing those plans but my January plans as well.  So, my brain is ready for a break from school!  I hope the next 2 days go by fast for you and me both!! 
Happy Monday!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

12 in '12 Linky Party!

Welp, I didn't get to link up yesterday.. So, I'm doing it today.

Here are my 12 favorite things in 2012!
12. Favorite movie you watched:
What to expect when you're expecting-- hands down!! Of course it may have just been incredibly hilarious because I am experiencing some of those things.. but you should watch it!
11. Favorite TV series:
The Walking Dead.. call me crazy but my husband got me sucked into and now I like it..
10. Favorite restaurant:
Love me some Chuy's!!! 
I can't get enough of that jalapeno ranch dip!
9. Favorite new thing you tried:
Snorkeling.  My hubby and I went to the beach this summer.  It was so much fun and super cheap!  Who knew I had missed out on it my whole life :)
8. Favorite gift you got:
I'm not supposed to know until Christmas.. except I really do know because I picked it out.. but my new Nikon camera.  I had to have one before our sweet baby girl made her debut!
7. Favorite thing you pinned:
Pinned Image
Isn't this too cute!!  It may not be my absolute favorite-- but she is all I can think about-- and this is so true!  She isn't even here yet, and already she has her daddy wrapped around her tiny finger!
6. Favorite blog post:
Hmm, I'd have to say when I was able to announce that we're having a girl.  Like I said.. ALL I THINK ABOUT!!!!!!!
5. Best accomplishment:
I'm having trouble thinking of something.. hmm.. maybe I'll just say.. getting all 4's and 5's on my observation.  I was so happy!
4. Favorite picture:
3. Favorite memory:
Finding out we were expecting.  I was bouncing around the house-- I couldn't even wait until the hubs got home-- I called and yelled it into the phone while he was at work!! haha
2. Goal for 2013:
Be able to balance being a new mom, getting my masters, and trying to be an awesome teacher!  Also, realizing when it's ok to slow down and not do everything... I'm bad at that.
1. One Little Word:
With all the new changes and stress going on in our life, it's hard to remember God is in control.  My word is faith.  I need to remember to put my faith in God and he will take care of everything. I want to make sure I have that mindset as I begin raising my first child!

What a wonderful year!!  It was nice to reflect on how much has happened this year.  I can't wait to see what wonderful memories 2013 will bring.  My how time flies!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

December Currently!!!

Today I went to Kim Adsit's Common Core Conference in Nashville.  Boy, was it fun!!!  But-- I sure am tired.  No I was not with kids all day-- so I will not complain. But my brain is in overdrive right now.  I always have to remind myself when I leave that I cannot go and turn into Kim Adsit.. which means instead of trying to do everything I LOVED-- which was everything!  I need to pick a few things and do them this year.  Then, file away some more ideas to implement next year.  I go back again tomorrow for the Math portion.  I can't wait!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Splat the Christmas Cat!

 Click the picture to check out her Christmas Art Projects Pack!  I snagged it during the wonderful Cyber Monday Sale!!!