Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Kindergarten Sight Word Practice

Teaching sight words is one of my favorite things to do.. I know.. seems crazy but there are so many fun ways to do it (spoiler alert.. I'll be blogging about some fun ways to teach sight words soon).

While creating my home school curriculum, I was in need of a hands on activity to introduce each sight word...

So, I created these Sight Word Practice Pages:

These are perfect for introducing each word, reviewing the word, homework, literacy centers, and could be used for so much more!

These are also perfect because they meet the needs of every type of learner. Read it: Auditory, Write it: Kinesthetic, Find  it: Visual, and Build it: All 3! 

Step 1: Read it.
I thought it might be fun for your child/students to highlight each word as they read it aloud.

Step 2: Write it.
What they say is true.. practice makes perfect!  Continue to practice sight words with repetition.

Step 3: Find it.
(Self explanatory)

Step 4: Build it.
This step is essential for Kindergartners-- they need something that is hands on.  These pages are perfect; they meet almost all levels of learning and reache all types of learners.

You're done!

If you like my newest creation and want to use it in your own classroom click the picture below to grab it.

PS- If ya stuck around.. I'll give this away to the first three people who leave a positive comment below (with email).


  1. I would love to have this! I am not a Kindergarten teacher but I have 4 students who are ESL and WOW! that could help them be so successful! Please help my little children!

  2. squintyseam@gmail.com
    Love your resources!

  3. These would be great for my reading intervention students in 1st and 2nd grade. Kchalenburg@yahoo.com

  4. Thanks everyone! I've emailed you all! :)

  5. Hello, I'm starting as a Kindergarten teacher in a week. I would love to use your resources. Thank you! xnayounx@gmail.com

  6. Your resourses are wonderful and so lovely! :) :) :)
    I'm teaching English to children at a language school in Bulgaria and I believe they would find all these exercises very interesting and they would love them. Thank you! biliana93@gmail.com

  7. Wow what a gift this would be!

  8. Thanks for all of your great ideas on how to teach sight words! I have been a kindergarten teacher for 34 years and will be moving to first grade this year!
    I appreciate all of your suggestions and ideas. I hope to use your ideas with all of my students, but especially with my little ones that need some "extra" practice. Thanks for sharing your ideas and freebies.

  9. I am teaching orphans in Guatemala and stumbled upon your blogs. I love all the ideas as I taught older grades in the states and feel a bit lost teaching Kinder to very ESL kids. If you would be willing to share this with me, I would gladly take it. alliesota@gmail.com

  10. I am teaching orphans in Guatemala and stumbled upon your blogs. I love all the ideas as I taught older grades in the states and feel a bit lost teaching Kinder to very ESL kids. If you would be willing to share this with me, I would gladly take it. alliesota@gmail.com

  11. If you're still sharing, I would love a copy for my special education students.


  12. Oh My, I LOVE this. I would love a copy if possible. marykaynaughton@gmail.com

  13. Its too good, hand on learning and creative for kids, cN you send me the copy at kailashhadia@gmail.com

  14. Its too good, hand on learning and creative for kids, cN you send me the copy at kailashhadia@gmail.com
