Thursday, June 4, 2015

Target Dollar Spot for your Classroom

Today I had to hop on the blog to share some of the awesome finds I saw in the Target dollar spot.  I'm not in the classroom anymore, but I am planning to start a "Tot School" in the Fall at home with my sweet girl.  She is more than ready.  Only 2 and she can identify all her letters, shapes, colors and some of her numbers.  I'm not sure where she gets it... I'm guessing her dad.  I have never had book smarts.  I am the creative type.  Anyway, I picked up a few things I thought would be fun to use with her, and thought I'd share what I found with you guys.

Big Dice!
I used these all the time for Math Centers in Kindergarten.  These are the perfect size for Sara.  I won't have to worry about her putting them in her mouth.  She doesn't do it often, but I'm not taking any chances.

These are small shapes (triangle, heart, circle, square, etc..)
You could ID shapes, graph them, sort them, use as counters, addition, the list goes on!

I can't wait to use these when practicing letters.  I know she will love them!

We didn't buy this, but I had to share.  In my classroom we had a kitchen with hardly any food, but I never really wanted to spend much money on it bc we rarely played in it.. 

What teacher doesn't love some Mod Podge?!?! Only a $1 at Target. Yahoo!!

I hope you all are having a fabulous summer!!!

PS- I had to share this video, because it's so me when I go to Target without my girl.