Monday, January 21, 2013

Using graphic organizers to help with writing and a freebie!

I don't know about you, but if I want my kinder kids to really write they need help organizing their thoughts!  If I ask them to write about winter.. it might say, "I like sno."  And that'd be it!  Is that a god sentence- yes!  However, so many of our little learners are capable of so much more- they just need a little help to get it out of them! 

I began using thinking maps and graphic organizers much more after attending an in-service on write from the beginning.  Well, my kiddos writing began to improve drastically!!!!  Are they doing it all on their own- no. But-- if you look at most of those common core standards it says, "with prompting and support."  Those graphic organizers and teacher modeling are supporting my little learners. 

Here are a few pictures of how I use them in my room:

First and most importantly-- it is so essential for us to model for our kiddos!  I cannot preach it enough--- model model model!  I always try to fill out the graphic organizer with my kids so they can see me writing.  I normally annotate over the desktop, using the Promethean Board, like I did on this one.
We used the bubble map to describe winter.  I explained that we were using adjectives.  Do they need to know that term yet?  No, but it's important to be introducing them to the correct vocabulary early on!
Here were just a few samples of their writing!  If they had done this on their own-- I may have had 1 or 2 that would have done something like this.. not over half my class!
If you'd like to grab the winter graphic organizer and writing paper click the picture below!
I created a pack not too long ago with different graphic organizers for sale on tpt.  It includes 14 different templates for you to print and use as your own and great teaching tips for each one!  You can check it out by clicking the picture below!
I hope you've enjoyed your long weekend!  I sure have.. I'm over 37 weeks and about to pop!!!!  Literally! haha  I hope everyone has a blessed four day week!

1 comment:

  1. Nicely drawn!
    If you try to used a graphic organizer tool draw graphic organizers easily. you can draw these much professionally and also it will have different ideas which can be used to draw these diagrams more attractively.
